Why Am I A Mosquito Magnet?
May 14, 2024

Why Am I A Mosquito Magnet?

Do you find yourself attracting more mosquitoes than others? Are you the only one dancing around to avoid mosquito bites during outdoor events? If so, you're not alone. Many people experience this problem. However, there are ways to prevent mosquitoes from biting you. But before we discuss the solutions, let's first understand why mosquitoes are attracted to you.

south carolina family who signed up for mosquito control

Things that attract mosquitoes

When considering how to keep mosquitoes away, it helps to know what attracts them and what factors help them land on you and take a bite. Here are a few facts you may or may not have known about mosquitoes.

  • Carbon Dioxide attracts them
    Mosquitoes can detect CO2 from more than 30 feet away. It is usually the first thing they detect.
  • Certain smells attract mosquitoes
    When mosquitoes get close to you, they can smell you. Some people smell better to mosquitoes than others because they emit chemicals that mosquitoes find attractive.
  • Mosquitoes like a certain blood type
    Mosquitoes prefer people with type O blood. This is because people with this blood type tend to emit chemicals that attract mosquitoes.
  • Sweat draws mosquitoes
    When you sweat, you can catch the attention of mosquitoes, but not for the reason you might think. They’re attracted to the lactic acid and ammonia found in sweat. The scent is released from your sweat and mosquitoes pick up on it.
  • They sense body heat
    When searching for a host, mosquitoes detect body heat using a sensory organ. Higher body temperature attracts more mosquitoes.
  • Mosquitoes prefer dark colors
    Mosquitoes have poor eyesight and use contrasting light to lock on and land. Wearing dark colors will make it easier for them.
  • Exposed skin means more places to bite
    Female mosquitoes require a blood meal to lay eggs, and in order to do so, they need to find a host. Even if you are not sweating, they may still bite you, especially if you have exposed skin. Wearing shorts and t-shirts can make it easier for them to locate a place to bite.
  • Drinking alcohol can lure mosquitoes in
    Studies have found that consuming alcohol may increase mosquito bites due to the release of more carbon dioxide. Alcohol can also raise body temperature and cause increased perspiration.
  • Mosquitoes are very good at smelling perfumes
    Mosquitoes do not survive on blood but on nectar and plant sap. This means they are naturally attracted to flowers. If you use scented products such as perfumes, lotions, and body washes, you'll smell like a flower to them, which could make you more attractive to mosquitoes.

There is much more we could say on this topic, but these insights should get you started in the right direction. Let's turn our attention to how you can use these facts and other tips to prevent mosquito bites.

Personal mosquito prevention

How can you prevent mosquito bites when you go hiking, camping, fishing, attending an outdoor party, or just relaxing in your outdoor living space? The first step is to consider the factors we listed above and see if you can alter them.

  • Avoid doing a workout outdoors, particularly in the morning or evening when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Consider being the designated driver for your group or drink inside.
  • Avoid putting on perfume and other scented products.
  • Wear bright colors.
  • Cover up with a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of pants.

You may also try these methods for avoiding mosquito bites:

  • Use mosquito repellent with DEET or picaridin.
  • Use an organic mosquito repellent with oil of lemon eucalyptus.
  • Wear clothing that is made to resist mosquitoes.

The list of ways to avoid mosquito bites is limited. If you go where there are mosquitoes buzzing around, you'll have a hard time preventing bites. The reason mosquitoes are so insistent is linked to the reason they bite. Why do they bite? As we touched on above, only female mosquitoes draw a blood meal, and they need that blood meal in order to get the nutrients required to fertilize their eggs. What that means is a blood meal isn't just any old meal. It is an essential meal needed for the survival of their species. There is a lot at stake.

The best way to avoid mosquito bites

The best way to avoid mosquito bites when you’re at home is to sign up for seasonal mosquito control. Here at Harris Pest Control, we offer this service in Florence, Kingstree, and Myrtle Beach, as well as throughout our multi-county service area.

When you reach out for help reducing mosquito activity, we will:

  • Complete an initial inspection to locate mosquito hotspots (i.e., where they rest and breed).
  • Perform monthly mosquito misting treatments from April through September to prevent the mosquito population from rebounding.
  • Address mosquito breeding sites.

What's more, Harris Pest Control's Intelligent Choice Plus home pest control plan not only targets fire ants, spiders, rodents, and other house-infesting pests, it also includes seasonal mosquito treatments. Check out the plan features below or contact Harris Pest Control for more information!

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  • seasonal mosquito treatments in sc
  • free home pest inspection
  • SC pest control specialists setting rodent trap in garage
  • seasonal mosquito treatments in sc

Intelligent Choice Service Program


Harris Pest Control's ICP-Plus is a great home pest control plan for homeowners who enjoy spending time outside with their families. This residential plan includes the same protection against common household pests and wood-destroying termites as our ICP-Pest & Termite plan but also provides seasonal mosquito misting treatments!

  • Year-Round Pest Control
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee 
  • Covers 22+ Pests
  • Exterior Perimeter Pest Treatment
  • Exterior Spider De-webbing (up to 15')
  • Indoor Pest Treatments (as needed or upon request)
  • Termite Control with Sentricon Always Active
  • Termite Service Warranty
  • Fire Ant Control (within 25' of your home)
  • Seasonal Mosquito Misting Treatments

Starting at:
$9900A Month


Free Inspection Or Call (843) 665-4325

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Pests Covered & Additional Details

Pests Covered: American Cockroaches, Carpenter Ants, Centipedes, Crickets, Earwigs, Fire Ants (within 25' of the house), German Cockroaches, House Flies, Lady Bugs, Mice, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Nuisance Ants, Oriental Cockroaches, Rats, Silverfish, Spider Mites, Spiders, Stored Product Pests, Termites, Wasps

  • Pricing does not include initial fee
  • Excludes coverage for fleas, ticks, bed bugs, and other pests not specifically listed above. Services for any of these pests are available at an additional charge.
  • Looking for even greater pest protection? Check out our Complete Plan!

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